
delightful old urban structure, and the Bairro Alto, the whose vantage points there is a fine View dominated original setting for old folklore reminiscences with by the Tagus; the fabulous Estufa Fria, the gardens of many places where fades are sung and also where Santa Catarina, sao Pedro de Alcantara, the Principe quite a few of Lisbon’s daily papers at present have Reel, the Praca da Alegria, Campo Grande, Campo d. their offices. To walk along these enchanting streets Ourique, Mata de Benfica, Ajuda, the Garden da is to appreciate the spiritual quality and the soul of old Estrela, and the Zoological Garden... Lisbon, filled with mystery and poetry, pictures- But possibly Lisbon's greatest charm of the many queness and nostalgia. varied ones it possesses is that of its people, with The gardens of Lisbon deserve a paragraph of their their jovial nature and polite manners, their fine sen- own, and among the most outstanding of these is the sibility and sense of humour, their patriotic spirit and vast Botanical Garden, one of the loveliest in Europe, deeprooted friendliness, their natural aristocratic founded in 1875, with gigantic green houses and bearing and melodious way of speaking. Among the more than twenty thousand exotic plants; the inhabitants of Lisbon, one feels to be completely Sur- magnificent Parque Florestal de Monsanto from rounded by friends.