Robo Cafe: robot waiters make a restaurant a one-man operation

Either Robo Cafe is a great idea or a sign of the waiter and busboy apocalypse. Robo Cafe is basically a design for a robot run restaurant or diner.

Robots at the Robo Cafe would take and relay orders to the kitchen, serve patrons, and keep tips for greedy managers. Robo Cafe is a unique idea in terms of cutting costs. And these robots look darn cute with their ability to take orders verbally or via a touch screen on their tummies.

Check out the gallery for snaps of the robo-waiters in action as well as designs of what a Robo Cafe would look like. I’ll always be hungry and as long as my robo-waiter isn’t snarky and doesn’t drop stuff I’m decently okay with this idea.

Posted via web from Thoughts and Things